Wk17: Control Thy Self

It is two thirds of the way from the end of this master key course and my growth has been continuous. Last week our assignment was to observe acts of kindness happening all around us but this week we were to choose our own thing to focus on out of this list of 13.

Organization, Kindness, Self Control, Taking Initiative, Decisiveness, Courage,Specialized Knowledge, Enthusiasm, Cooperation, Pleasing Personality, Persistence, Imagination and Seeing the God In Others. I chose to focus on self control for this week.

In an earlier post I mentioned different personality types and that there is a particular way that the different personality types respond to each situation. Finding out my personality type revealed that I am the sincere type of guy but I also can sometime be labeled a control freak which to some people may seem as though I aim for perfection. I tend to be the person who has to know a lot because I love helping people and if I don’t have the answer for something, frustration can appear.

My assignment has been smooth sailing during the beginning of the week as I noticed self control not only in myself but also in others as well. Today I saw myself having a little challenge which I had no control over and I let it bother me briefly, but I pulled myself together and I am back on track to finishing out this week strong. The one thing that has helped me to overcome some of the challenges that I have no control over is by saying “This to shall pass”

Sometimes all you have to do is look at how far you have come instead of how far you have left to go and relax.

6 thoughts on “Wk17: Control Thy Self

  1. No truer words spoken than your last line…”Sometimes all you have to do is look at how far you have come instead of how far you have left to go and relax.” YOU have transformed yourself in so many wonderful ways John. I have been following you since Go90Grow. You’re easier on yourself than you have ever been. You personify “Whole, Perfect, Strong, Loving, Harmonious, and Happy.”

  2. Hey John. Great post. I also love helping people, and I am a perfectionist. There are always things that we all need to work on. It sounds like you’re doing great. Keep up the good work.

  3. I love how you ended it John! “Sometimes all you have to do is look at how far you have come instead of how far you have left to go and relax.”
    Great perspective and utilizing your knowledge of yourself 🙂

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